Monday 15 June 2009

Employee health questions on forms - case on BBC News

This story was on BBC News tonight about a council losing its High Court case against a former managing director after claiming she withheld a history of depressive illness.

An employment lawyer in the second article believed the issue at hand was that the questions asked of her were simply not specific enough. What was also of particular interest, was on the television report a doctor admitting many doctors advise people NOT to disclose conditions like depression. I've "got this T-shirt" too, though not to the same extent, as in my long temp employment with a public sector organisation I hadn't disclosed about having Asperger as I had sort of "pushed it to the back of mind" while muddling through employment, the medical form said "Do YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF to have a disability?" which while skimming through I didn't consciously think of myself as disabled just not very confident, and I was just doing data entry work as a lower tier temp. However, later this job got longer term and they tried pushing me into more responsibility "to develop my communication skills" and told me to improve in appraisals, I was out of my depth but felt if I said about Asperger now I'd be sacked for not saying it on the form, even though the wording was actually "Do You Consider Yourself". It certainly can be a close call for milder conditions, but the doctor on the television really struck the chord.

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